Argyle Acres Iris Gardens

Join an Iris Society

    American Iris Society

Publishes colored bulletins quarterly. The National Convention is hosted in a different city each year. Annual dues are $25.00 single or $30.00 dual. For more information contact Tom Gormley, 205 Catalonia Ave., DeLeon Springs, FL  32130

Historic Iris Preservation Society

Publishes two colored bulletins annually.  Meets each year during the American Iris Society convention.  Annual dues are $13.  For more information contact Judy Eckhoff, 7911 S. Yoder Rd., Haven, KS  67543.

Tall Bearded Iris Society

Publishes two colored bulletins annually.  Meets during the American Iris Society convention in the Spring and again in the Fall at a designated city.  Annual dues are $10.  For more information write to TBIS, P.O. Box 6991, Lubbock, TX  79493